Monday, March 25, 2013

"The Only Truth to be Found Anywhere is Cryptic, Hidden inside Good Intention."-Runaway Jim

Here is a special poem by my brother( yes blood) four you to experience. It is a poem but inside the poem every fourth word makes up a separate poem except for in the second and sixth lines of each stanza. To help you understand in case there's confusion, read it all the way through regardless of the bold capital letters normally like you would anything else. Then use your intuition to read the correct words within the poem that make up the second poem (everything that's bold and CAPITAL. Enjoy!

Lessons Four Life by Wolfric Marvalo

please, do listen, IF from all to I
they give the lesson of life and death
believe me you MUST, for we will FLY
into endless skies and heavenly breath
how can we FLY when we are ONLY
 humans in this earth so lonely?
just keep looking UP to what is ABOVE
M.C. Ehser "Boy"
and surely you shall be joining the doves.

please, do listen, IF from me to ALL
i give a lesson of heart and hate
believe me you MUST, we all shall FALL
 and so, prepare for your kernel to break
why must we FALL when we are ONLY
wishing not to be so lonely?
but just look INTO the face of LOVE
the king or amorist, you shall be dubbed

please, do listen, IF from us to KNIGHTS
we give a lesson of blood and swords
believe us you MUST, for you must FIGHT
for the right to stay on this blue/green orb
why must we FIGHT when we have ONLY
just one shield that feels so lonely?
fight only for YOUR life, only for SELF
and you will soon find it bad for you health.


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