Wednesday, March 27, 2013

They Are There

The Balance of Creation and Distruction
-By Runaway Jim

Photo By C.S.
They made a problem, we started working.
They gave us greed,
for certain we filled the need,
commence the feed.

They took the light, we started searching.
They made us bleed,
Instead of hurting, we started thirsting,
the snake it was flirting,
We never had a chance.

They made the lines, we learned division.
(De-vision acually)
They made the walls, we lost decision.
We're lost,
just ONE lost organism.

They polluted the land, we looked to the stars.
They clouded the sky with smoke,
The bars caged in hope and gave us all scars.

They built cities, we made skateboards.
Ride on Knights with your swords.

They told us how far, we looked furthur.
So they gave us an out to their own trap.
We committed self murder.
RIP our shepherds herder.
An easy way out is just as bad for you as a Cheese Burger.

They locked us in our head, we began to dream.
It isn't what it seems, but enough to get fed.
They tried to Kill the Spirit,
We became the walking dead,
But the grateful ones instead,became neither alive nor on death bed.
They became eternal.
Dreaming forever of heights known only to Urtle.
How I love to be a Turtle.
You walk under every hurdle,
Instead of leap,
You take a peek,
And all the best scenery,
You keep.
Now sleep,
Little boy dream of your mother and,
Photo also taken by C.S. Shitily if i may add. But I really like it.

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