Monday, June 24, 2013

Do You See What EYE see?

Photo "Eye See It",  By Kratos Beneath
 "Eye Think Therefore Eye Am" by Runaway Jim

Eye am the lives.
Eye see the truth and the lies.
Eye always have two sides.

Two sides that collide,
One shows and one hides.

The surface pulled tight gets disturbed.
And from the bottom the ripples emerged. 
Rippled thoughts of what is above,
Reflect the answers to the question that once was. 
Why? and what? Is now, NOW. And IS. And will BE
Being all together feeding from the endless circle tree. 

Eye find that besides all the fish and the flies. 
EYE!, am the only one who can change these surface tides. 

Even though rivers obviously don't tides,... it can still be done. lol   

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