Monday, June 3, 2013

Expectaion Inflation Rate is too damn Hi.... How's your day? Great!

In this world we all live up to our own expectations.  You might be thinking that's wrong but sit there for a second and actually absorb theses words.  We live up to our own expectations.  Let me give you an example. This woman's life is in shambles.  She never saw her life having the headache it bears.  Nothing can compare to the feeling of being unsuccessful.  She feel's unsuccessful due to the fact that her goals are unreachable, her hopes have turned into impatience and no longer has faith. Our environment drills into our core that money means happiness.  Therefore, our expectations are to make sure that we have both our feet planted on the ground, an overly expensive home and maybe a Lamborghini in the driveway..just for kicks.  So this woman cannot live up to her own expectations and I will tell you why.  Our world is not meant to only bring happiness.  There is karma.  The ugly beast that randomly screws you over...sometimes even on a daily basis!  There is horrible luck.  When hope is no longer hope and you start swearing like a salty sailor every five minutes.  There is also bullshit.  Which is all in itself a rhetorical comment.  This woman has been abused with reality.  Our expectations are enormously hopeless in some point of our lives.  Everyone knows the expression " life is a roller coaster..enjoy the ride"!  Sometimes your going to puke.  Plain and simple.  Don't tell me you get an adrenaline rush or some other lame excuse to avoid the truth.  Truth is we face our reality with a fake smirk and walk around in our fertile economy.  Yeah the fuck right?  Be honest with yourself.  That's what she and I are doing.  Facing the harsh realities!  We all live up to our expectations.  That's reality!  We defeat ourselves on purpose...I just don't understand the logic behind it!  Do you?
By Maggie Craig
Art by James Corbett

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