Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Shiny Sublime Souvenir Of Past's Presant. Gift Wrapped Peice of Soul. Every moment given to your future self reflects what you look like in the mirror of eternity.

Today By Aidan Bazarov
Today is sneaking out the back door
stealing his brother's car and driving west
never bothering to leave a note
Bobbing in his wake are
Burned out bulbs and iron rust
The dog's thick fur
You loved so much
the serendipitous landscape
of your stolen love
lying naked in bed
facing away
facing the sun
throwing its beautiful light
under her beautiful hair
And you wanted to steal that moment,
and snatch the mortal glow from the ashen clutches of
and cup it in your hands like a firefly
So when the sun sets
you could still the see the beautiful light
Shining through the cracks in your fingers

Photo Taken By William Bergen
Please Check Him Out HERE

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