Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I Didn't Know Sqautters in New Paltz Look Like This!.. I'd Give Them Money.

Photo By Rachael Saltzman. Check her out Here
As I make it to the crescent of 299 in New Paltz I realize "you know what, fuck this town". I only come here high on drugs if that doesn't say it all. During college season this town turns into one big sorority, but in the summer it becomes a toolshed, yuppie tourists window shop. And try not to trip over the outcasts. Not like your Clint Eastwood outcasts, just kids who tried Molly and started to listen to (insert shitty band here). I call 'em parasites cause it's easy to be homeless when everyone around you has extra food & cash.  Just cause you bought a Hunter S. Thompson book from the thrift store doesn't give you street cred, more like street debt. They deprive themselves of a nice lifestyle cause they can't under stand why their parents are pissed about their missing Oxycotin. Oh and there must be a female punk meeting being held next to Starfucks. When I passed them they looked at me like I was on crack. I wish I had some crack. Then I'd smoke it and blow it in their faces and say "in France blowing smoke into someone's face means you love them, but this is just crack so you'll probably just get cancer". - C. Shoelaces

He may be crazy, but  he's right. Whats your cause? I know parasites need to eat too, but we all have to have a little pride once and a while. It's good for you. Think for yourself... Always. And never trust the Jack that looks confused, he doesn't know what he's doing. Its an easy tell for anyone, c'mon! Safe Travels.  -Runaway Jim   

P.S.- No! That isn't a picture from New Paltz.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put. Human ingenuity has degraded so much, we can't even blame the drugs anymore.
