Saturday, April 6, 2013

"Well I've Been Down So Goddamn Long... That It Looks Like Up To Me!" -The great Jim Morrison

New Artist, New Perception, Same Hurt. Enjoy everybody, its all you can do.

Reflection of Infliction by Johnny Appleseed

Pleasure without pain is a wet drought

As my dull knife wiggles along
Without a course or definitive direction
Suspicion leads to certainty
The careless caress of a knife should cut
But it doesn’t
Not one bit
Not even a trace
Not even a taste!
The subtle force behind the knife persists
And with one wish one flick of the wrist
A moment of bliss once missed now reveals its relevance
Pulling aimless at the seams
The knife alone shows no sentiment
But when coupled with function raw emotion
Just as the fabric cut leaves a rut in thought
The thought cut leaves a rut in fabric
Just as the cut leaves thought fabric in a rut

Gone is the love of hate
And gone is the hate of love
Leaving only love and  hate
Time is captured and limits are useless
A burst of joy certainly leads to sorrow
And a rush of hope leaves one later to mope
As too living later leads to dying

Pain without pleasure is a dry ocean

Sketch Muse also by Appleseed

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