Monday, April 8, 2013

Technology Doesn't Equal Electricity.

"You ever seen those little kids that are running around your local grocery store on leashes! And at the end of leash is the parent that you stare at in destgust and think, "Damn, all he want's to is explore life.". Get that? EXPLORE LIFE! Well I have. Then I look again... The pereant has it even worse. There in the same exact predicament with their heads burried like ostiche's in the LCD sands of wasted time. The screen of a "smart" phone. How smart? Every thought they have starts out like a wild cowboy on the open dessert ready to ride free on the wild frontier. Then as he travels the I-Brain takes away his options of choice, and the path gets devided. Only certain desicions you can make with certain choices to choose from. He's guided by apps that do things for you, pictures of places he doesnt know, videos of things he doesn't care about, and perceptions of people he will never even meet. The cowboy never had a chance. And the fake viral world he now travels through won't let him see the real one even when he tries. He can only see a person as a group of controlled questions answered with simple replies like "awsome!", or ":))))". It doesn't beat a real one. Ill tell you that much. (smile). THAT'S ELECTRICITY! How can we learn about eachother and ourselves, through profiled controlled questions asking who we are. It takes alot more than  just asking a question, it takes conversation and eye contact to get the answers to those kind off things. C'mon people you know this! The fact that you liked Family Guy's facebook page only tells me you do not why... And that you probably suck. So I guess Im a victom of viral assumption too and even though I want to I may never know the truth. But I know real electricity when I feel it. Not the beeps of random letters being taped in a failed attempt to communicate a message that was already doomed from the beginning because the vessel it rides has no electricity and is infected with a viral virus(aka Tosh.0 shut the fuck up I already heard you make that joke). Maybe you think Im nuts or just overeacting but when Ben Fraknlin stood at a window flying a kite with a key attached to it and got ZAPPED.  That was the only time Technology eqauled Electricity."
-Runaway Jim
ps. they know whats up (down)

Photo Taken By Rachael Saltzman.

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