Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Where The Good Vibes Are At

Good Vibes Clyde

Good vibes Clyde glides when he strides
catches eyes like right field eyeball fly balls into glove insides
catches smiles like Kodak from picture perfect sistas
who bat eyes, they must be vampiress' according to their irises
hes that live
Good vibes Clyde rhymes like he used Dr. Suess' muse
too fly for bird watchers and his watch works slowly like,
movie slow mo in O.D. no remote needed
he's dressed to kill and by sheer will hearts stand still
he'll Medusa your shit, then rooster your shit,
wake your heart beat from sleep so you can properly
observe his chic, get used to this shit
Good vibes Clyde is around more females than bra straps
and she wails.... but this is pg. so I must leave out details
Good vibes Clyde does the impossible like mundane chores
and boards planes traveling all plains of the brain and more
He does what his heart commands
and what his soul understands and no man can stand brick wall enough
to call his bluff, but who's bluffing
let me tell you a little something. Don't hide on the wall
at the next party, there's a good vibes Clyde inside of us all.

-Wolfric Marvalo

Art Work By Mke Jordan

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