Monday, November 18, 2013

Real Lies, or Fake Truths?

I Don't Even Wanna Know... But I can always smell what Im tasting.
Now here's a question for your thirsty mind" a poem by our beloved Allie Hill. Check the link at the end for futhur musical translation of the text.   

the words of
a lie
were true.
they truthed
uncertain territories
backtracking forwards
through the blurred
clarity of certainty
the words of
a truth
were untrue
and they too
believed facts which
made fallacies
masks and surfaced this-
these ties twisted
into lies so they created
straight lines
doing the undone
connecting synapses
making constellations
for mapping the brain
asymmetrically, star gazing
blindly when similarity
fades boldly, what is
indifferent to the the same
what is more contradicting
than comparing
the insane to the sane?
yet this tangible diversion
is simple and complex
in validity
and so. truth be told.
a lie to be,
is a truth to me.
a truth for me,
is a lie to be.
By Allie Hill

Easy Answers By Ratdog

"The Answer Is Always The Question That You're Asking. Easy Answers are Everywhere and All Around!!
Rolls Right of the Tongue:)"
- Brought to you by your local public OM Broadcasting Station "The Vent" and Runaway Jim

Friday, August 23, 2013

Yea I've been having problems with the site. Yea I have to jump through hoops to make a post that is somewhat looking the way I want it to becasue of technical difficulties. But fuck it I aint dead yet! and niether are the posts! Keep um comin and I'll get up googles ass about fixing my glitches. And it aint nobodies business but my own :)

 The Inspiration Game                                             By Jasmine Lewis

Shout out your inspirations
Play out your inspirations
It's yours
Paid and Full
Nobody can take it from you

Call on your inspiration
Whenever you deem
Wherever the place may be

When competition comes
When the sunlight falls
And the moonlight crawls
Take notice of your inspirations

Whether it be a sensual butterfly dance
Or the sound of broken glass
The rain falling down from pain
There's no rules in the inspiration game

Like salt inspires me to talk
Sugar inspires me to kiss
Pain inspires me to walk
Walk to find inspiring thoughts

What may inspire me to dance
May inspire you to slap a man
What may inspire me to fight
May inspire another to sip wine by candle light

What inspires you
May inspire another in a bigger way
There's no rules to the inspiration game

CLICK THIS LINK and listen if you dare! It may just be perfect:)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Hall Of Sacred Mirrors. Reflecting one's Divine Self into pictures of the Boomerang's Journey back to where it never left from.

Menagerie by Scott St. George
hung along corridors
of the soul, display
treasures collected
over a lifetime.
Each one unique,
fragile, and bittersweet:
a menagerie of memory.
assembled and
by degrees of pain,
joy, and release.
Some shining,
some new,
others faded, dust-covered
and old—all true.
Stopping occasionally to
lift one from its pedestal— inspect,
clean, care for,
and return it to
the altar of thought.
A collage of faces,
fill the empty spaces,
around each piece:
pictures of people,
pictures of pets,
stunning snow-covered scenes...
beautiful sunsets.
A pastiche museum
kept locked
in the closet
of my heart.
By: Scott St George
Art By James Corbett

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Here is a poem by a new submitter named Sage Barton. Thank you for your contibution. If you must fall. Fall only into Love

Swallow Us Whole
My lanky limbs are built for the stealthy night
for sneaking, prowling
so I swim through the carnival of wild dogs;
each yipping, howling;
each are instinctively grasping and groping
with big, greedy hands
and I wait for the Indian sun to set
on the hot, red sand
so that I may make my escape with bare feet
and roam freely through
the orange abyss that is consumed by sand
where bones lay askew.
Mine will be discarded along with the rest;
I will feed the birds.
I cry out to the godlike shaman man but
my voice is not heard.
Have you wondered what it'd be like to decay?
Won't you fall with me,
into that familiar red hot madness
that swallows bodies?
Away from the howling dogs and their groping
and into the ground,
we will soon become that which swallows all else
when the sand surrounds.
Art By Katie Olsen

Friday, July 26, 2013

"Dreams Are Lies. But Dreaming is Real"- Bob Weir

Rules an Regulations By Kratos Beneath

Is there a common idea we all share?
How close are we to being there?
Do we understand our purpose?
or is it only a few of us?

Reality creates itself, and God inside of me.
The brain sees it as it wants to be.
Neural Nets guide our existence
Showing's of for instance

We have the greatest collection of chaotic synapse ever found
Close your eyes and let your feet leave the ground.
Entangled thoughts and morphic fields
in our brain, reality is real.

Self Portriat By Andrew Ryan

The food for thought is life and the food for life is thought. So come on team lets get out there and auto-create! Yea! Go team. "Captiiaaaaaaaaaaaan Planet!!!" (Brought to you by your local natural food grocery store the Vent)

If you hav't checked the artist out. Very Very interesting. So hears the link again bitches. Respect!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Every piece of the puzzle is integral to the formation of the picture in the outcome. NO MAN LEFT BEHIND FOR 2013!!!!!:)(:

Thought these two poems fit good together. So I put them were exactly where they should be. Together. Perfect...

 As I Sleep                                                                                                                              Jasmine Lewis

As I sleep
Someone weeps
Time and time again

How can I ignore
The realities of life
As someone's soul

Rushes in

To take over me

That nice bedtime story
That ceases in glory

It the reality
I see
Like water
Like weeping

I may drown
Drown slowly
In the reality
The realities
Of life

The reality
That someone weeps
As we sleep
Long and hard weeps

For the people, by the people
By Allie Hill

these people.
these fuckin people.
the ones on the subway
the ones revin' their engines in their "swett rides"

they stare
you're so goddam aware
that their eyes
burn a hole in the back of your

it's all about self respect
and you spit in the dust
with disgust
there's no hope for a better future
because the's no fuckin respect left

it al got lost
in the melting pot
and we've got the whole world at
our finger tips
we've got a voice to spill like vomit

but this voice is beautiful and it comes frome the

and Im talkin musically
the jives and the riffs
where you let the vibes sound right
and when the beats feeling tight
you sway your hips and throw your arms in the air

you don't give a fuck you con't care.

these people.
these fuckin people.
they stare.

you say some silent prayer to yourself
some shit lke
keep those eyes away

see there a whole lota shit you keep
but you really want to say

i don't know
somethin like: how you use pain to mask pain
and everyday is the same
when drugs in your veins

sa cut it wide open
and let it all run red
run run
run red

but wail.

you can't let this shit go striaght to your

instead silence the thoughts
since they'll label you

maybe maybe you're crazy
maybe your're insaine
to the point where meds don't do jack
shit to contain-

they just unleashed the beast

and the little voice in your mind
the one that tells you simple matters
as in "turn left here"
or dont forget to shut the light

is now stabbing your brain with a
mother fuckin knife

they say it's alright
they said luvoz and prozac, and kolonipin and vyvanse
will fix you.
get you through

it could.
it wpuld possibly give you a chance.

to be normal

but what the hell is normal?
is normal conforming to scociety?
is normal facing everyday with a life of

it can be
thees no such thing as normalcy

there's no such thing as peace
or self expression
or that release
when you know that you've got it all at your fingertips

and then it splits-
it tears and rips
this world is cut wide open
because of the people
the fuckin people.

as they try to decide
who you are,

and you laugh
because the fronts, the facades
to cover up the lies

the makeup or drugs
or those clothes
are just a disguise

and when you're weakend and worn

and no one will ralize
how badley youv'e been tatteres and torn
they don't give a damn, they don't even care.

because these people.
theses fucking people.
will stare

stare into space
stare right through you
stare into the abyss
stare straight into nothing
into nowhere

you know it's not right
you know it's not fair
but what do you know?

you're just one of them too.
you can't deny it
or hide it

we hanven't evolved
were still monkeys and apes
running wild...

see were still running wild...
just on a monotonous and mild

it's the people.
the people who stare.
trying to figure you out.

size you up

but they always happen to
catch you
when you're stuck in a rut

when you look like shit
when you're in a manic state
throwing a rant or fit

and hey tha's great...

but they always scope you out-
I didn't brush my teeth today
just stuck in a piece of gum
in my fuckin mouth

it's those days
those people

when you want to scream and shout
those fuckin people who size you up in a

but if they'd just lived it.
man if they'de just been in it.
and experienced the bullshit.

the people
those fucking people

who have used and abused
this world and this land

we stand and demand
peace and freedom
and some say
fuck it

we don't need em'

but some recite it like a bible or the koran
raise their palms to some higher power
and some fight it

because these people need to
wake the fuck up
stop starring
and get a grip.

these fuckin people
need to understand this:

the whole worlds at thier fingertips.

Victom or the Crime? I think we are all a little bit of both...
 Hope these two poems together paint what Im trying to say. The answers is inside eachother. Every point in the circle is the same radias from the center point. The tree of life.  

We Are Eachother's Selves
Welcome to a new life 2013.
Are You Ready?

Photo By Billy Bergen