Friday, August 23, 2013

Yea I've been having problems with the site. Yea I have to jump through hoops to make a post that is somewhat looking the way I want it to becasue of technical difficulties. But fuck it I aint dead yet! and niether are the posts! Keep um comin and I'll get up googles ass about fixing my glitches. And it aint nobodies business but my own :)

 The Inspiration Game                                             By Jasmine Lewis

Shout out your inspirations
Play out your inspirations
It's yours
Paid and Full
Nobody can take it from you

Call on your inspiration
Whenever you deem
Wherever the place may be

When competition comes
When the sunlight falls
And the moonlight crawls
Take notice of your inspirations

Whether it be a sensual butterfly dance
Or the sound of broken glass
The rain falling down from pain
There's no rules in the inspiration game

Like salt inspires me to talk
Sugar inspires me to kiss
Pain inspires me to walk
Walk to find inspiring thoughts

What may inspire me to dance
May inspire you to slap a man
What may inspire me to fight
May inspire another to sip wine by candle light

What inspires you
May inspire another in a bigger way
There's no rules to the inspiration game

CLICK THIS LINK and listen if you dare! It may just be perfect:)

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