Monday, November 18, 2013

Real Lies, or Fake Truths?

I Don't Even Wanna Know... But I can always smell what Im tasting.
Now here's a question for your thirsty mind" a poem by our beloved Allie Hill. Check the link at the end for futhur musical translation of the text.   

the words of
a lie
were true.
they truthed
uncertain territories
backtracking forwards
through the blurred
clarity of certainty
the words of
a truth
were untrue
and they too
believed facts which
made fallacies
masks and surfaced this-
these ties twisted
into lies so they created
straight lines
doing the undone
connecting synapses
making constellations
for mapping the brain
asymmetrically, star gazing
blindly when similarity
fades boldly, what is
indifferent to the the same
what is more contradicting
than comparing
the insane to the sane?
yet this tangible diversion
is simple and complex
in validity
and so. truth be told.
a lie to be,
is a truth to me.
a truth for me,
is a lie to be.
By Allie Hill

Easy Answers By Ratdog

"The Answer Is Always The Question That You're Asking. Easy Answers are Everywhere and All Around!!
Rolls Right of the Tongue:)"
- Brought to you by your local public OM Broadcasting Station "The Vent" and Runaway Jim

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