Friday, April 12, 2013

New Submission From a New Writer. Ahhhh... Dream Juices, Thanks S.D. Burroughs

 Little Girl: By S.D. Burroughs

While in a dream, I feel it's real life,
With just as much chaos, and just as much strife.
Why do I feel that the only goal in life,
Is to dogmatically live and die by the knife?

I stood at a street corner, the rain chilled my bone,
I watched a little girl cross the street all alone.
Beautiful in innocence, flawless blonde hair,
Until this moment, not a single care.

A car rushed by, it hit her with a smack!
Every bone in her figure exploded with a crack!
Blood stained her coat, deluded, but still red,
I watched with horror as she was suddenly dead.

The dastardly faceless man, he kept on going,
Like a demon sailing the river Styx, he kept on rowing,
Her arm was caught in the grill, dragging her on her knees,
The smell of fresh blood being carried by the breeze.

Her head sunk low, the look of cheer gone,
Her hair disheveled, her knees began to shred,
She flew threw the street, releasing what she was caught on,
In a puddle, she fell, face submerged to her head.

I wanted to help, I wanted to scream,
But how could I? He since drove away,
In my heart, I hoped this was a dream,
And pray that I never see this one day.

The pool dyed red, her corpse began to float,
And drift down the stream of wet gutters,
A sewer grate was open, and like an alligator in a moat,
Committed the nightmare of a hundred million mothers.

Head first, the silent girl fell,
her body fell downwards as she descended to hell,
All the blood disappeared, not a single man can tell,
Was it a human girl, or a bauble like a bell?

I looked up, my poor heart racing,
A brunette girl appeared where I was facing.
I heard the demonic howl of a car,
Another girl dead, another fallen star.

I opened my eyes, the ceiling was above,
I was relieved. It was only a dream.
But I curse the whore, who wouldn't even love,
A pretty little girl enough to see her thirteen.

Photo By Racheal Saltzman

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